SPQR is limited to 40 coins. 

Most of them are hidden in ETH wallets, you have to find the private key on your own to win them.
Some of them may also be lost forever (if no one found the ETH private key),
Some of them (found coins) are for sale on exchanges.

SPQR on exchanges

In order to provide some liquidity at the beginning, some of the SPQR coins are initially released on DEXs, you can buy as much as there is available coins for sale. I put sell orders at increasing price steps, so the sooner you get your SPQR, the highest ROI you get, since there is no Presale/ICO/Airdrop/Bounty distribution.

Example: the first SPQR coin might be for sale for $100 (you can also buy parts of it, not the entire coin), the second one will be at $200, the thirst one at $300... Until there's a match on bid-offer prices.

You need to understand that due to the ultra-low supply, it's not going to be a $1 or $10 coin, but much more.

SPQR on ETH wallets

The great war (listening to Sabaton while writing btw) has begun, your goal is to find the most SPQR you can.
This is an Ethereum puzzle transaction game. Find the private key of the Ethereum wallet hosting the SPQR coins to get them.

Why doing that? Like for Bitcoin, in 2015, in order to show the hugeness of the private key space (or maybe just for fun), someone created a "puzzle" where he chose keys in a certain smaller space and sent increasing amounts to each of those keys like this:

2^0 ≤ random key < 2^1 - 0.001 BTC 
2^1 ≤ random key < 2^2 - 0.002 BTC
2^3 ≤ random key < 2^3 - 0.003 BTC
2^255 ≤ random key < 2^256 - 0.256 BTC (total 32.896 BTC) 

As of June 2020, first 63 and #65, #70, #75, #80, #85, #90, #95, #100, #105, #110, #115 addresses have been cracked. People are still trying to crack #64 address, which requires scanning 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 keys.

Same system for SPQR.

SPQR is a ERC20 token built on Ethereum blockchain.
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